Proyecto Carayá

Argentine Center for Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Primates

Proyecto Caraya is the first and only primate rehabilitation center in Argentina and the only one in the world that works with black howler monkeys.

We rescue wild animals that have been victims of the illegal wildlife trade, mascotism, and the destruction of their natural habitats. Many have experienced very traumatic situations and arrive at the Sanctuary in alarming conditions.

"We teach the monkeys to be monkeys again."

When primates arrive at the Sanctuary, their path throw adaptation and socialization begins. The rehabilitation process of these species is long and depends on the personality and personal history of the monkeys.
Once the individuals are adapted to the environment and to a consolidated group of primates, we proceeded to release them in the Sanctuary.

At the Sanctuary we live with more than 10 groups of primates in total freedom (over 170 monkeys). We have achieved successful births with second and third generation.

The final goal of our project is to reinsert them at their natural habitats in the northeast of Argentina. Working together with the originals communities to stop hunting them and conserve them.


See monkeys living in freedom!

The Sanctuary is open every day of the year and is 11km outside of La Cumbre, 2 hours from Córdoba city.

Take a guided tour through forests and mountains, and learn more about our flora and fauna.

Hours, Tickets, and Location >


All the animals that live in the Sanctuary can only continue living happily and freely with your HELP.

We need your effort to keep the organization running.

You can be part of our mission collaborating with your donation.

Donate >


Would you like to volunteer at Proyecto Carayá?

Every day, we work with volunteers from all over the world who live and work in the Sanctuary.

You can be part of our team.

Information for volunteers >


If you have a favorite animal in the Sanctuary, sponsor it! You will receive updated information on how it is doing.



Ingreso a La Reserva siendo un juvenil. Estaba en mal estado, enflaquecido, y casi sin pelo. Vivía en un domicilio particular hasta que fue decomisado por la policía y enviadoal centro. He arrived at the Sanctuary being a juvenile. He was in bad mental and physical condition. Very skinny and almost hairless.

  • 0% Funded
  • $0 Funded

Darien “Champú”

Vivía en una casa de familia con dos “madres humanas”. Al tiempo de comprarla se dieron cuenta que era ciega. A pesar de su discapacidad, querían que viviera con otros monos. She lived in a family home with two human mothers. After they bought her they realized that she was blind. Despite their disability, they wanted her to live with other monkeys.

  • 58% Funded
  • $575 Funded


Fue decomisado por la policíacaminera porque iba suelto dentro de la camioneta de sus dueños. Luego de haber mordido en varias ocasiones a sus vecinos y casi morir electrocutado en el tendido eléctrico , llego a La Reserva. He was confiscated by the police because he was going free inside the car of his owners. After biting on several occasions his neighbors and almost die on the power line, he arrived at the Sanctuary.

  • 3% Funded
  • $25 Funded


Hijo de Bubulina. Mona que fue expulsada por otras hembras del grupo 5 cuando estabapreñada. Fue trasladada a la zona de adaptación, donde nació Bububerto. Son of Bubulina, female monkey who was expelled by other members from group 5 when she was pregnant. She was transferred to the adaptation zone, where Bububerto was born.

  • 13% Funded
  • $125 Funded


Hijo de uno de los primeros monos machos de La Reserva. Cuando su padre muere, el grupo queda sin líder y es conquistado por otro macho. El cual expulsa a Cleto por no ser de su descendencia. Son of one of the first male monkeys in the Sanctuary. When his father die, the group is left without a leader and was conquered by another male. Which expels Cleto for not being his own son.

  • 1% Funded
  • $10 Funded

Meraki “Gringo”

Proveniente del laboratorio biomédico. De adulto desafío al macho líder de los Capuchinos, ganó la pelea y se hizo cargo del grupo de capuchinos. Tiene 4 hijos. Le gusta romper nueces con diferentes tipos de piedras. He came from a biomedical laboratory. As adult, he challenged the male leader of the capuchins, won the fight and took over the Capuchin group. Have 4 offsprings, he like to break nuts in pieces with different types of stones.

  • 55% Funded
  • $550 Funded


Jorge's entire family was wiped out in a yellow fever epidemic. He spent a lot of time looking for a new family. Luckily, he made it to Caraya unscathed, and is now able to start a family of his own. Let’s hear it for Jorge. He was born at the Sanctuary. He is very uninhibited, he likes to fight with his friends and make mischiefs. He usually steals things, like the telephones of the tourists and for the return it is necessary to exchange it for bananas. He make fun with his friends bothering the dogs around.

  • 1% Funded
  • $5 Funded


Ingreso siendo una hembra adulta de aproximadamente 5 años, ella vivía en una casa particular y permanecía allí atada todo el tiempo. La policiala encuentra en la casa por una denuncia y la rescata. De carácter fuerte y seguro. She arrive as an 5 years old adult, she lived in a family house and remained there tied with a rope all the time. The police got to the house for a complaint and rescued her. Strong and self confident character.

  • 25% Funded
  • $250 Funded


Llego cuando era una adolescente junto con su madre. Tiene varios hijos, todos sobrevivieron, lo que muestra una excelente capacidad maternal. Le encanta el intercambio de cosas con los humanos. She arrived when she was a juvenile with her mother. She has many offspring and all of them survive, which shows an excellent maternal capacity. She loves to exchange things with humans.

  • 13% Funded
  • $130 Funded


Es un capuchino negro, oriundo de un zoológico. No le caen bien los hombres, pero en cambio cada vez que ve una mujer, él les presume. Y como ama tanto a las mujeres humanas, a las hembras de su especie solo las puede ver como amigas. He is a black capuchin that came from a Zoo. He do not like men but every time he see a woman, he presume them. And because he loves the women so much, he can only see the females of his species as friends.

  • 10% Funded
  • $100 Funded


Vivía como mascota en la ciudadjunto con una familia humana. La niña que vivía con ella siempre la molestaba hasta que un día la mordió gravemente. Luego fue trasladada a La Reserva. She lived as a pet in the city together with a human family. The kid who lived with her was always bothering her till she badly bited the kid. Then she was transferred to the Sanctuary.

  • 14% Funded
  • $135 Funded


En La Reserva, implementamos un programa para evitar la matanza de pumas salvajes en la zona, debido a que atacaban el ganado. Por lo que decidimos repoblar el área con una de las presas naturales del puma, la vizcacha. At the sanctuary, we implement a program to prevent the killing of wild cougars (pumas) in the area, because they attacked the cattle from the farms. So we decided to repopulate the area with one of the natural prey of the puma, the vizcacha.

  • 13% Funded
  • $125 Funded

Mandala “Noa”

Llego a La Reserva siendo bebe, su madre y hermana murieron mientras habitaban un campo que era trillado. Arrive at the Sancturary when was a baby. Her mother and sister were killed while living in a field of sowing.

  • 36% Funded
  • $360 Funded


Fue rescatada de un granja donde la criaron para comerla a fin de año. Un grupo de activistas la secuestró y se la llevo a un departamento en la ciudad. She was rescued from a farm where she was raised to be eaten. A group of activists kidnapped her and take her to the city.

  • 1% Funded
  • $5 Funded