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JURY (Macho Carayá)

Fue decomisado por la policía caminera porque iba suelto dentro de la camioneta de sus dueños. Luego de haber mordido en varias ocasiones a sus vecinos y casi morir electrocutado en el tendido eléctrico , llego a La Reserva. Convencidos sus “dueños” de quererlo de nuevo, fueron a buscarlo. Asegurando que el mono no tomaba agua porque le gustaba más la Coca Cola y que usaba el inodoro. Intentaron a toda costa, obtenerlo de nuevo por lo que debió intervenir la justicia. Yuri se adaptó muy bien. Es un padre muy tolerable con sus hijos y con los que adopta. Jury es un macho muy atractivo para las hembras.

JURY (Carayá Male)

He was confiscated by the police because he was going free inside the car of his owners. After biting on several occasions his neighbors and almost die on the power line, he  arrived at the Sanctuary. The "owners" were convinced of wanting him and went to the center to get him back. They assured that the monkey did not drink water because he liked Coca Cola more and that he was used the toilet. They tried so hard to get him back so we needed help from justice to stop them. Yuri was adapted very well. He is a very tolerable father with his offsprings and with those he adopts. Jury is a very attractive male for females.

  • Benjamin